Signature HealthCARE’s rehabilitation team is dedicated to providing top rehabilitative care to residents of Signature HealthCARE communities nationwide, as well as other individuals on an outpatient basis.
Rehabilitation Services
Under Signature Rehab’s integrated care model, rehabilitative therapists work closely with other clinical caregivers, seeking to ensure residents and patients make a full recovery and a timely return to the activities they enjoy. In conjunction with the public health emergency and changing aspects of the health care community, Signature Healthcare rehabilitation has added a fourth discipline of in-house Respiratory Therapy to its traditional Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy service line. This addition allows clinical teams to work together to develop and implement specialty rehab programs that best complement individual facilities and patient populations.

Signature Rehab prides itself on being a thought leader in the geriatric rehab space. With approximately 6 million Americans today having a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Dementia or cognitive impairment and projections to grow to approximately 15 million by 2060 -based on a study conducted by the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Signature Rehabilitation has begun the creation of the gym of the future to specifically address these and other disease processes while embracing technological advancements.
The Gym of the Future is a project tasked at addressing the rising need of intervention for cognitively challenged patients. It is critical to develop non-traditional therapeutic interventions specifically tasked at addressing physical and cognitive declines. This project is focused on three main areas: Advanced interventions with a dual task physical and cognitive component through Virtual Reality, mobile sensory integration, and functional work environments specifically designed for cognitively challenged individuals.